Black and white drawings of women, drawn by Dry Brush, this is an old, classic embodiment of the portrait, which is still popular among many fans of black and white portraiture. Why attractive Black and white drawings?- First and foremost is the effect of light and shadows painted by the artist.
Very valuable in black and white portrait correctly underline the volume, the beautiful drawing and complete the composition of a portrait and, accordingly, no color, which gives the viewer the right to focus on the essentials.
Statement of light and shadow in black and white portrait is very important component, in which portrait artist realizes their creative potential, showing to viewer the expressiveness of a portrait and focus of his plan.
At all times, black and white portrait, considered a more affordable version of a portrait, in comparison with color portraits of each technique.
Typically, these portraits are always drew with pencil, charcoal, pen. In our time, is very popular in portrait technique dry brush and most often it is Black and white drawings of women, we can say this is a classic. For example, sometimes I often get asked, what better portrait of Black and white drawings of women or in color in this technique, in my opinion it is still black and white version, color portrait of a poor range of colors, though color portrait of this technique also has a growing demand
© I. Kazarin, 2006