What kind of paint is needed for a dry brush and how much does it need? It is better to buy a paint that dries for a long time, it is advisable for you to choose the one at random way. For one sketch, you need very little 5 mm in a cube on the palette. I use TIONDIGO oil, unfortunately it is not and will not be on sale, this is my old stock.
What types of paint are needed for a color portrait? -
I use some paints made in St. Petersburg. You can try different ones depending on which ones are on sale.
Which paper is better to use and with what texture?
At the moment I use several varieties of watercolor paper,
depending on what is on sale, for example, Canson, German Torshon, in past years I painted a lot on Fabriano.
The texture is better small and not rough. In any case, you need to practice and try different paper and you will probably find one that suits you more
Bristle brushes for working with wider places and synthetic brushes for finer and more delicate work. like this one.
I never buy too expensive brushes, because there is no sense and benefit in spending a lot of money, I often buy not in an art salon but in a stationery store
- This is a simple rubber eraser, but very soft, is applied to highlight details in the drawing. This is probably one of the most interesting tools, when an artist uses an eraser and cries are heard around him, wow, how is that? This moment attracts a lot of people's attention, and many began to call it a magic eraser. When I work with a black and white portrait, I sometimes add a few drops of homemade technical oil to the palette and mix with paint. This somewhat helps to slip when rubbing on paper and a slightly grayer tint is obtained. I accidentally made a blot in a prominent place, how to fix it? -
You can try to erase a light blob with an eraser, if the blob is greasy and dirty and does not erase completely and remains a noticeable mistake in the work. It all depends on the importance of work. In extreme cases, it is necessary to draw again, but with special attention and caution. After such an event, it will be a good lesson for you. What is the magic rubber eraser you use, and why do you use it?
What do you mix with the oil paint on your palette? -
What is the purpose of a medical scalpel? Yes, in the first years of my practice I used this tool too.
I made subtle highlights in the necessary areas, but you have to be very careful when working with it. You can use it only on thick paper, so as not to perforate it.
Honestly, it’s better to refuse it, since there is a better tool, I think you are familiar with “Correction Fluid” and is sold everywhere in office supplies, from time to time I also use only it.
Do you preprocess your paper before youк work (Imprimatura, wetting, primer, and so on)? No, That is unnecessary.
How do you fix the surface of the drawing after completion of work? I do not do this, there is no need, oil paint is not the same thing as pastel or charcoal
Will oil paint get wet through the paper when it comes in contact with it?. This question is very interesting for many beginners. This problem will never happen if you follow the rules in work. The main thing to remember about the name of this method
What to do if I do not have lubricating oil, Can I replace it with something?
, Yes, it can be replaced by kerosene or diesel fuel, just do not think that I'm joking with you here. In my practice, I have repeatedly used such a replacement and its properties are almost the same. I do not recommend using Linseed oil
I would like to see your palette? For work, I use a sketchbook, it has a working palette, I made it from org glass, and I have already performed many of my works
I always work with acrylic, can I apply it in this method? I’ll tell you sincerely, this is ridiculous, but I have not tried it))). You can try any oil of paint, it’s even good that you try and are looking for the most suitable. The main thing is that you really like it.
Dear friends, please pay attention, I do not cooperate with any individuals who sell training lessons. Some of them represent my work or video materials taken from YouTube.
Also, I have nothing to do with publications on third-party sites with descriptions of materials about the dry brush technique, some of them may be distorted and do not correspond to reality.
if you find incorrect descriptions on my site and wish to correct, please message me to my portret7@gmail.com
Drawing materials