On this page I posted men's drawings by dry brush. If you have a friend, loved one, father or brother, and finally your immediate boss and you urgently need a gift - a Color or Black-and-white portrait of a man painted from a photo.
The main work of the men were hunting, and therefore part of the ancient people drew the man, as a brave hunter. Great importance was attached to a drawing of men in the Middle Ages, as a rule they were well-dressed parade portraits of rich men. Men drew brave knights, beautiful in military uniforms. But as time passed, now 21, and have draw men in modern clothing and very rarely in uniform. today, most artists draw portraits of men from a photo. Why? can you ask. The simple answer is convenience. Today the internet age and photo can be sent through email, and a portrait of course you get from real mail, such as DHL this is a unique souvenir for the unexpected gift.
How to draw men, at first glance, At first glance of artist, the future drawing, seems of an emotionally and mentally, then comes the understanding of how to draw a man, visualizing future portrait of a man, provided customer with respect to photos, which should draw a drawing of a man on a sheet of paper. Every new drawing the male portrait is unique, and that's the difficulty, to the proportions of a man's face must be approached very thoroughly. Clearly in drawing features a man talking about artist's attention to his work.
The main task of artist as you can truly draw a man, observing all simple, but necessary and important rules for drawing a man's face. How to draw men correctly, having a personal characteristic only to this man of his energy, inner peace, you must observe a few simple rules. Draw a man's face is often difficult, Drawing face proportions man's face very different against, facial proportions. Men's eyes are more narrow or thin in comparison against women's eyes, men's nose the most part much larger women's delicate nose, and a man selects a heavy jaw, thick eyebrows and weighty courageous matte lips and other important artifacts, such as hair head, mustache and beard, often emphasizing masculinity drawing of men.
A very important point in the men's portraits are realistic, if the portrait of a woman this can be a little abuse to the delight of most holders of the portrait, that men love to see themselves as they really are, although sometimes all the same, there are exceptions.
According to observations of artists portraits of men bought much less than the portraits of women, and it is not surprising, who loves whom more?, Of course men are more loved women, women are rarely give portraits to men. On this page you can see portraits of men, Some celebrity portraits Johnny Depp Drawing, Richard Gere, Portrait of Peter Dinklage, Portrait of Cardinal Ratzinger, Vladimir Vysotsky, Kocmonavt USSR German Titov, and Portrait of a Spanish composer of the 16th century Francisco Guerrero. both black and white and color, painted in the dry brush technique. Do you have the desire to have a portrait of a man, your loved one, order drawing a man from your photos in this technique, it is possible in the shortest possible time 2-3 days. Igor Kazarin at your service!